
Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Jus Mate 5

Jus DR-II adalah merupakan satu evolusi baru dalam dunia penjagaan kulit dan kesihatan masa kini. Satu lagi sensasi dunia kesihatan dan kecantikan yang diimpikan oleh wanita dan lelaki.

Dr rozmey sekali lagi tampil dengan formula ajaib lagi hebat , amat berkesan , selamat dan murah. Hanya bahan aktif dan asli seperti astaxanthin, hydrosalate marine colagen,acerola extract powder.

Diformulasi dengan bijak dan terbaik. Ia diadun dalam bentuk “powder” dengan mengunakan teknologi nano. DR-II dengan bahan aktif sebanyak 12 gm yang larut didalam mulut meresap ke dalam badan melalui kapilari bawah lidah tanpa perlu melalui “ 1st pass effect “ oleh metabolisma hati. Anda pasti mengalami sensasi dunia kejelitaan dr-ii.

Anda akan tampil dengan kulit cerah dan lembut dengan penuh bergaya, mampu mempesona sesiapa yang melihatnya. Jus DR-II adalah 50 x lebih baik dan kuasa dari injeksi vitamin C + kolagen.

Dalam masa 2 minggu anda sudah menikmati keajaiban nya !!!!!!!

5 formula hebat Jus Mate ! Mengawal selera makan, menghalang pembentukkan lemak, mengurangkan pengambilan gula, meningkatkan kadar metabolisma dan menukarkan kabohidrat kepada tenaga yang merupakan 5 faktor utama di dalam pengurusan berat badan.

Kandungan Hebat Jus Mate 5:
• HCA dalam garcinia combogia amat berkesan menahan kegemukan semula selepas memiliki berat badan idaman
• Hoodia Gardoni - Herba ini dihasilkan daripada pokok Kaktus dari Afrika dapat mengurangkan selera (tidak ingat makan langsung selama lebih 24 jam!!!)
• Kebaikan Guar Gum: Memberi rasa kenyang, Bertindak baik bagi mencuci usus
Membuang lemak, glukos dan racun dari usus
• L-Carnitine merupakan ramuan yang sangat mujarab dalam program diet di mana ianya sangat effektif untuk mengurangkan rasa lapar dan letih.
• Spirulina – membekal Beta Carotene yang mampu merawat, menegangkan kulit, serta kedut (badan tidak akan gelebeh bila kurus)
• Fat Burner di dalam JM5 mempunyai 20kali lebih potensi berbanding latihan menggunakan treadmill selama 1 jam

Cara Penyediaan
Masukkan 150ml air sejuk ke dalam gelas.
Masukkan 1 uncang dR-II ke dalam gelas.
Kacau rata dan hidangkan.
Aturan pengambilan
Ambil 1 sachet dR-II sekali sehari

Harga Produk
1 kotak = RM 200 (Bukan ahli)
1 kotak = RM 150 (Ahli)
3 kotak = RM 450 + Keahlian

Order online disini:

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Narakashiwa Charcoal Mask

Charcoal powder is one of the traditional raw ingredients that Japanese women use to nourish their skin over the centuries. It is economical yet effective in removing stubborn impurities & dead skin cells. Natural Pack's mask is made from the purest charcoal extracts available with the advanced cosmetic processing techniques from Korea.

This product hits the monthly Top 10 Ranking in the drug stores voted by the Japanese female users. Exclusively imported and sealed for extra freshness.

Suitable for either oily or combination skin. Ideally to be used once a week only. Peel off mask strictly after it has turned dried.

Content Weight: 80g

How To Use:

For best result, open your pores using steam towel or warm water. Gently dry your face with a clean and soft towel.

1) Apply and spread the mask evenly onto your face. (Tip: Avoid sensitive areas around the eyes, eyebrows, hairline and lips)

2) The mask will take roughly 20 minutes to do its magic. . (Tip: As hot environment will reduce the stickiness of the mask, strongly encourage to apply the mask in a cool or air-conditioned environment)

3) Once you feel the mask is dried and your face skin tighten, gently peel off the mask the bottom up. Use one hand to peel while the other to apply firm pressure closely between the side of the mask and face in order to avoid excessive force from the peeling action.

4) For best results, apply toner & moisturizer upon completion.

Price-RM 12

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Leptin Dried Plum

Natural Antioxidant and Weight Loss Enhancer

Leptin Weight Loss Dried Plum is the most easy and natural diet food and the best way is to eat the organic diet plum as your dessert every night after dinner. These natural organic plums without any chemicals and full of nutrition, and they taste exactly like normal dried plums.

They help create bowel movement, and perform internal cleansing by excreting toxins and faeces. Therefore, you may find yourself visiting the toilet more often after the plums become part of your daily diet. Internal cleansing can lead to external beauty such as a slim body and smooth skin

• Healthy Natural Diet Product
It is not a diet pill or weight loss pill, it is a natural organic diet food. No side effects and it will help you increase your energy for a healthy life.
• Easy and Natural Weight Loss Diet Product
Just enjoy this Leptin Weight Loss Dried Plum after your dinner, as your dessert every night, flushing your fat, undischarged faeces and toxins the next morning.
• Full with nutrition, it's the best healthy way
Organic plum provides proper nutrition for our good health; it's full with vitamins and minerals like potassium, Vitamin A, magnesium, iron and fibre to help us stay healthy, balanced and energised. It can improve our blood circulation by preventing platelet clot.

Dried Plum, Active lactobacillus, Lotus leaves, Puerh tea

Directions: Take one plum every day after dinner, as your dessert. Recommended minimum of 2 litres of water per day.
Contents: 15 factory sealed packs per box

Usage: 1 pack per day. Consume for 6 days continuously then stop for 1 day. It is recommended to consume 4 plums after dinner, for the first time. Peristalis will occur within 4-8 hours resulting in the increase of bowel activity and excretion of faeces is a usual outcome.

Suitable For: People looking at reducing their weight and body weight control due to excessive nutrition, lack of exercise, and many social activities such as overeating and drinking.

Suitable Age: 18-60 Years Old

Storage: Keep away from places of high temperature, humidity and direct sunlight. If taken after frozen, it is known to have a better taste. Consume on opening of packets.

• Children and pregnant women are not recommended to consume
• Persons with serious gastrointestinal ulcers are forbidden
• Do not swallow because of fruit core
• This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Coffee The Secret To Slimming?

Natural Antioxidant and Weight Loss Enhancer

We’ve all heard about models wasting away to size zero on a diet of espressos, but now it seems there is a far healthier way to harness the slimming powers of coffee.

Announcing A New Way for Anyone Who Wants to Lose Weight and Look Great!

Green Slimming Coffee, a unique and scientifically proven way to assist You to lose weight, easily, quickly, naturally and will help boost your overall beauty & well-being…

Finally! An Easy, Fast & Natural Way To Assist You In Losing Excess Weight.
If You've Got a Couple of Minutes Each Morning... Then You Can be Helped to Get Slimmer While Enjoying Nothing More Than a Relaxing Coffee.

Benefits of Losing Weight
When you decide to lose weight, you've made the choice to become healthier. There are so many benefits to losing weight:
• Reducing your risk of developing heart disease
• Reduced risk of having a stroke.
• Reduced chance of developing diabetes.
• Reduced stress on the joints in your knees, hips and back.
• Increased self-image and improved self esteem.
• Increased energy levels.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Leptin GreenCoffee 800

What is Leptin GreenCoffee 800

Green Coffee 800 formula is a "drug-free" dietary supplement that was developed from a blend of herbal extracts. When used with a healthy diet plan, Green Coffee 800 curbs your appetite and stimulates your body to burn fat and calories.

The herbal extracts and minerals used in this product have been gathered from all over the world to make this all natural diet supplement. Green coffee contains the anti-oxidant qualities necessary to cause thermogenesis which increase the metabolism of fat. Chromium and vanadium increase carbohydrate burn and metabolic rate, and panax. Ginseng helps to maintain energy levels while dieting. Another ingredient, heartleaf starts the fat burning process while curbing the appetite.

The ingredient Chromium dinicotinate glycinate plays an important role in the production of insulin, controlling hunger, and in metabolism. Ginseng helps to maintain energy level while dieting. Green Tea Leaf extract is a major antioxidant that increases mental awareness and helps diminish appetite, also can lower cholesterol level and reduce amount of harmful cholesterol. EGCG-Epigallocatechin gallate is most powerful natural antioxidant superior to Vit C and Vit E. It may provide health effects by protecting our cells from oxidative damage from free radicals. A number of chronic diseases have been associated with free radical damage, including cancer, arteriosclerosis, heart diseases and accelerated aging.


70 mg calcium
250 mg chromium (as chromium dinicotinate Glycinate)
700 mg Propietary Herbal Blend:
Green tea leaf standardized extract (180 mg antioxidant polyphenols,90 mg epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), 50 mg naturally occurring caffeine, Asian Panax Ginseng root standardized.)

Directions: Take one pack a day in the mid-morning with 100ml hot water (serve as traditional instant coffee). Recommended minimum of 3 liters of water per day.

Contents: 18 packs of green coffee 800 in a factory sealed box

(a 18 day supply)

Usage: 1 pack/day (1/2 pack/day for the 1st week who start using)

Indications: Serve as traditional instant coffee

Suitable Population: For simply obesity, post partum fat, and people who want to keep fit.

Suitable Age: 18 - 60 Years Old

Precaution: Not for pregnant or breast-feeding women, cardiovascular disease and stroke patients.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Cara Guna Detox Patch



1. Setiap satu foot patch akan dapat sekeping pelekat.
2. Basuh kaki dan keringkan, atau bahagian anggota badan sebelum menggunakan patch ini.
3. Buka plastik & tampalkan foot patch (di sebelah yg ada tulisan) ke tengah2 pelekat tu.
4. Kemudian tampalkan ke bahagian tengah tapak kaki. Boleh juga tampal dibahagian bermasalah seperti bahu, belakang badan, pinggang, lutut, pusat.
5. Pakai sebelum tidur & esok bila bangun baru buka foot patch. Penggunaan selama 6 – 8 sewaktu tidur.
6. Keesokkannya basuh kaki untuk hilangkan kesan kotoran. (Selepas dipakai foot patch akan berubah warna & sedikit berminya/berlendirk - kesan pengeluaran toksin dari badan).
7. Kesegaran mula terasa, badan terasa ringan, untuk bekerja pun semakin bersemangat.
8. Pad yang telah digunakan hendaklah dibungkus dan dibuang dengan betul. Jauhkan dari kanak-kanak. Ia bertoksin.

Thursday, July 22, 2010


Text Color
Slimming Patch diperkaya dengan ekstrak Kola, tanaman semulajadi Afrika Selatan yang mana ianya berkesan mengurangkan lemak, produk ini boleh menembusi kulit, mencapai lapisan lemak subkutan, dan menguraikan lemak menjadi asid lemak mudah larut dan air.

Sesuai untuk...

-mereka yang mempunyai lemak berlebihan di perut dan pinggang dan perempuan yang baru melahirkan anak dimana perut mereka mempunyai lapisan lemak berlebihan.

-mereka yang bekerja dipejabat dan hanya menghabiskan masa dengan duduk dan kurang aktif

Cara Penggunaan

1.Bersihkan bahagian perut
2.Tampalkan slimming patch di perut
3.Biarkan selama 30-50 minit dan kemudian buka slimming patch tersebut.


Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Simptom-simptom toksin berlebihan

Adakah anda mempunyai simptom-simpton berikut

• kerap sakit kepala atau migrain?
• sembelit atau susah buang air besar?
• masalah jerawat yang tidak pernah sembuh?
• terasa banyak angin dalam badan?
• lemah, letih, lesu dan tidak bermaya?
• susah turunkan berat badan walaupun berdiet?
• susah bangun tidur atau tidur tidak nyenyak?
• alergik dan alahan?

Jika anda mempunyai simptom-simptom diatas adalah tidak syak lagi badan anda mempunyai toksin yang berlebihan

Gunakan foot patch untuk pembuangan toksin dalam masa yang sama memberi kesihatan yang baik kepada anda!

Monday, July 19, 2010


Saturday, July 17, 2010

Apa itu TOKSIN?

TOKSIN bukan hanya sisa dari makanan yang kita makan dan makanan-makanan yang tidak tercerna, tetapi juga berasal dari udara tercemar, bahan kimia dll. Bahkan fikiran dan emosi negatif juga merupakan racun bagi sel-sel tubuh kita. Semua sisa atau zat yang tidak diperlukan tubuh akan ditukarkan sebagai racun (toksin) atau penyakit. Sisa atau toksin juga dihasilkan secara alamiah oleh tubuh kita sendiri.

Ini merupakan proses metabolisme yang tidak dapat kita hindari. Hari ini keperluan asas seperti air, udara dan makanan telah dicemari dengan toksin sama ada dari hasil industri atau dari perencah makanan. Sekiranya badan kita mempunyai sistem pertahanan yang lemah, maka kita akan cenderung dihinggapi penyakit.

Toksin amat berbahaya jika ia terkumpul di dalam badan anda. Jangan simpan toksin dalam badan anda. Gunakan Detox Foot Patch untuk pembuangan toksin dalam masa yang sama memberi kesihatan yang baik kepada anda! Dapatkan pelekat buang toksin yang murah dan berkesan di sini.

Kandungan Detox Foot Patch :

Tiada bahan terlarang dalam kandungannya. Ianya mengandungi herba-herba terpilih seperti :-

* Wood Vinegar Extract
* Bamboo Vinegar Extract
* Chitosan * Plant power;
* Vitamin C * Tourmaline• Cornstarch


* Membuang toksin dlm badan, air berlebihan & cegah bau kaki
* Membuatkan badan menjadi lebih bertenaga
* Membuang angin dalam badan.
* Mengurangkan allergic, sakit sendi,
* Mengurangkan Sakit kepala, migrain atau tekanan kerja
* Menormalkan tekanan dan aliran darah
* Menguatkan sistem immune badan
* Melegakan sakit tumit & tapak kaki
* mengurangkan sembelit, Kembung perut
* membantu masalah jerawat/resdung
* Mengurangkan Diabetes, Kegemukan
* Mengatasi masalah sukar tidur
* Berpanjangan penggunaan ubat
* Bekerja dengan bahan kimia seperti cat, larutan pembersih dll
* Menyegarkan ketika bangun dari tidur
* Mengurangkan sakit gout, sendi, juga untuk perokok